Title : Jun Somi's Lamborghini is not actually hers
link : Jun Somi's Lamborghini is not actually hers
Jun Somi's Lamborghini is not actually hers
Article: [Exclusive Jun Somi's 'Lamborghini SUV' is not hers
Source: Star News via Nate
1. [+1,499, -223] If you see a young person driving a nice car, all you have to think is "they must've worked hard at a young age to be able to drive a nice car", and if you see someone driving a nice car because they have rich parents, all you have to think is "I may not be able to afford that much for my own child but I will continue to work hard to be a good parent to my children"
2. [+1,060, -111] Why is this so important? How wrapped up in jealousy are we as a people that this is considered exclusive news? If you're a normal person, you shouldn't even care whether that's her car or not. It's not like it's illegal for her to own that car so what's the issue here?
3. [+583, -44] Well, the YouTube channel succeeded in promoting itself
4. [+33, -20] She's shot so many CFs of her own, she could probably purchase it if she wanted to. She's spending her own money that she made so I don't get why people have such a problem with it. I consider people who worry about celebrities while they're working part-time jobs themselves no different than people who get all pressed about how celebrities spend their money.
5. [+24, -2] If it's not illegal, we should just let it be
6. [+22, -11] Koreans: expects celebrities to live the same $1,800 a month lifestyle as themselves
7. [+21, -3] Why is this controversial at all anyway?
8. [+16, -7] I'm questioning why this is important enough to be the #1 searched piece of news
9. [+10, -1] Such mean people. Instead of being jealous, why not try harder at your own life?
10. [+6, -0] People can never stand to see someone doing better than them ㅋㅋㅋ
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