Title : Wanna One's Park Jihoon, to start a career as an actor along with Ong Seong Woo.. To star in 'Flower Crew'
link : Wanna One's Park Jihoon, to start a career as an actor along with Ong Seong Woo.. To star in 'Flower Crew'
Wanna One's Park Jihoon, to start a career as an actor along with Ong Seong Woo.. To star in 'Flower Crew'
He's in talk to star in JTBC's upcoming drama, Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency, as the lead character. However, it is not confirmed yet.
-What about Cha Eunwoo..? I heard he's also in talk to star in this drama too..
-Hul.. He suits the image of the drama really well..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I heard this drama is an adaption of a book..? I just googled it up, is it a good book..?
-I can't wait to see Jihoon as an actor, congratulations!!
-I already have a feeling that this drama is going to be starred by an idol..
-I'm looking forward to this drama..
-Is he going to be the lead character..?
-Oh.. Park Jihoon somehow suits historical drama really well..ㅋㅋㅋ I hope his acting skills won't disappoint us..
-Are they really going to adapt this book into a drama..? The plot is so-so, though..
-Hul.. Crazy, imagine him wearing a Hanbok.. Unbelievable..
-Maybe he's going to be the sub-lead..? instead of the lead role..
-He won't be starring as the King, what role is he going to play then..?
-I have a feeling Park Jihoon is going to do well since there's nothing that he can't do..
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You are read Articles Wanna One's Park Jihoon, to start a career as an actor along with Ong Seong Woo.. To star in 'Flower Crew' With a link https://koreancelebri.blogspot.com/2019/01/wanna-ones-park-jihoon-to-start-career.html