Title : NU'EST renews contract as a group with Pledis
link : NU'EST renews contract as a group with Pledis
NU'EST renews contract as a group with Pledis
Article: All of NU'EST renews contract with current agency Pledis "We'll do our best"
Source: Joy News 24 via Nate
1. [+461, -52] Congratulations on everyone renewing, let's walk a flower path from now on~
2. [+421, -59] Not a NU'EST fan but I wish them the best after seeing how hard Jonghyun worked on 'Produce'! I hope they do even better ♥♥
3. [+379, -41] Pledis just needs to step it up, please give them all the support you can ㅠㅠ
4. [+31, -9] I'm a man and I like their songs
5. [+31, -6] Pledis better take care of them since they renewed ㅜㅜㅜ
6. [+26, -8] The true winner out of 'Produce 101' was Hwang Minhyun
7. [+25, -5] They have great songs, congratulations on everyone renewing~
8. [+24, -7] They're all A-list superstars on looks alone
9. [+20, -6] They've been around for 8 years but this is just the beginning! I support you!
10. [+20, -5] NU'EST, let's try and hit daebak in 2019!
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