Title : 'Did Jimin not apologize?' ... Records of Kwon Mina's Kakao Talk chats
link : 'Did Jimin not apologize?' ... Records of Kwon Mina's Kakao Talk chats
'Did Jimin not apologize?' ... Records of Kwon Mina's Kakao Talk chats
'I already forgave her in my heart'
Kwon Mina says that she has already forgiven Shin Jimin. Did Shin Jimin apologize?
'She apologized to me in my dream'
Kwon Mina claimes that Shin Jimin apologized to her in her 'dream'
Will the conflict between Kwon Mina and Shin Jimin continue this way?
Staff: "We don't know when she's going to explode again. The two of them already made up on April 2020"
April 3rd, 2020.
Shin Jimin lost her father. Kwon Mina visited the mortuary the next day. Jimin apologized to Kwon Mina and Kwon Mina cried. The two of them embraced each other that day. That night, Mina sent a text to Jimin.
April 4th, 2020.
KMN: Don't ever get hurt again. Let's stay healthy. Thank you, Unnie, for hugging me.
SJM: I love you Mina-ya.
KMN: I'm sorry and thank you, Unnie. Hug me again next time!
SJM: Of course. Let's not get hurt ever again, Mina-ya.
April 8th, 2020
KMN: Unnie, did you call me?
SJM: Yes. I thought of you and decided to call you. (NB: In a cute manner)
May 12nd, 2020.
(NB: The texts in the pictures and the articles are a little bit different)
KMN: Unnie! Sorry I didn't pick up your call. It's been so hard for me these days. I didn't pick up any calls at all that day. But don't worry, I'm trying. Are you okay, Unnie? Don't get sick. If you have time, let's meet sometime between next week and the week after that to have meal together. Drinks are also fine!
SJM: Okay, Mina-ya<3
KMN: How about next week and the week after that?
SJM: I think two weeks from now is okay! Mina, are you having a hard time?ㅠㅠ
KMN: Yes, Unnie. I feel like I'm losing my mind..ㅎㅎ
And then 2 months went by. On July 3rd, Mina attacked Jimin of all sudden. "An Unnie once dragged me into changing room in a waiting room. It was very terrifying".
Jimin denied as she posted saying 'Fiction'.
KMN: I'm just saying one thing out of 100000 things that happened. Try telling people it's just a fiction. Karma will come back to you. I have a witness and an evidence. I did nothing wrong. It's too terrifying to just be 'fiction'. I had to get 3 to 4 treatments to remove the scar you gave me. Unnie, it's not disappearing from my memories. It's driving me crazy each day.
Mina posted a picture of her wrist which showed scars of self-harm.
KMN: My dreams can't come true now, right? But Unnie, don't do it if you're a human. I've endured it all as I took medicaments secretly. This is how I live now. It's because of Shin Jimin Unnie"
April 3rd, 2020. The two of them hugged. And on July 3rd, 2020. Mina attacked Jimin again. After 3 months, the conflicts between the two of them came back again.
On the 3rd, Shin Jimin along with AOA's members came to visit Mina. Dispatch succeeded in attaining the conversation that happened in those two hours.
SJM: I came here because I have something to say as well. You know those things you said you went through? I can't remember anything, any of those you said. I came to apologize for that.
KMN: You can't remember? Really?
SJM: That is why I'm apologizing. I had no idea.
KMN: Wow
SJM: I came here to resolve the misunderstandings. I agree that I did wrong.
KMN: Can you say something that makes more sense? I understand if you can't remember. Unnie, you're not that kind of person. Do you remember hitting me? You smacked me because I was standing in the most front.
SJM: Where did I hit you?
KMN: Here in my chest!! Do you want me to show you?
SJM: Did I hit you a lot?
KMN: Yes
SJM: I don't think I have hit you before, I only pushed you.
KMN: No. You hit me with your fist. Maybe you don't have great memories. You didn't come to apologize for this.
SJM: No, I came to apologize for that.
The next day, Mina posted on her Instagram, saying 'Unnie searched for knife and asked if is it all going to be alright if she killed herself'. What actually happened there? Here's the conversation
KMN: Do you see this? My left arm is all ruined.
SJM: Why did you do that? I am sorry
KMN: Why did I do that?? Why did I do that? Jimin Unnie. It's very frustrating for me that you can't remember any of the things you did to me. How could you do such things and just forget about it?
SJM: Do you have knife?
Chanmi: Don't do that.
SJM: I should die.
Choa: Stop it. If you came to apologize, do it properly. What are you doing?
SJM: My apologize...
Choa: All you need to do is just say sorry, it's all there is.
SJM: It's all because of me. I should leave.
Choa: Do you think leaving in the middle all of this will resolve anything?
SJM: I'll leave. I'm sorry guys. Mina-ya, I'm sorry.
Mina-Jimin (Conversation on July 3rd)
KMN: You hurt me and you remember nothing about that?
SJM: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
KMN: You don't remember?
SJM: I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I came to sincerely apologize for that.
KMN: I have became a lunatic now. I'm broken. You don't remember that?
SJM: I want to talk from my point of view.
KMN: Go ahead.
SJM: In my point of view, as a leader I...
KMN: You did well (as a leader)?
SJM: I just wanted you to get the best.
SJM: You guys are my all... I had no idea it hurt you, that I hurt you.
KMN: And yet you said you hated my body and that my face looked like shit? That's you wanting me to get the best?
SJM: I never said that.
KMN: I was diagnosed with depression because of you. I can't get the best now. Do you know what I'm saying?
SJM: I'm sorry. I feel like I'm hurting you over the simple things.
KMN: You did that everyday. You don't remember that, do you?
SJM: I did that everyday?
KMN: Yes. I take medicaments everyday.
SJM: I was the one who stayed with you when you were sick, until the very end. You don't remember that either, do you?
KMN: I remember that. But do you know what was I thinking back then? 'She didn't even know that she was the one who caused me all this pain'
SJM: Really? I had no idea. (Cried)
Choa-Mina-Jimin-Chanmi (Conversation on July 3rd)
The conversation between the two of them went nowhere. Jimin kept apologizing while Mina kept saying that she doesn't remember anything. That's when Choa stepped in. The other members also share their thoughts.
KMN: Why do you hate me?
SJM: I don't hate you. (Crying)
KMN: (To the other members) She treated me poorly, right?
Chanmi: We can't side with either of you.
Choa: It's hard for the girls to say it. And Jimin-ah, leaving won't resolve anything. Let her talk about what she's upset about, listen to her. You're the older one here.
SJM: I will listen to her
Choa: Honestly, how many times did we meet before we fight? And how many times do you think we'll meet again after all of this? Just listen to her. 'Ah, I see. So that's how I behaved back then. I'm sorry' That's all you need to say.
SJM: I'm sorry
KMN: That's always how it is. The b*tch who hit never remembers, only the b*tch who gets hit remembers.
SJM: I'll leave (AOA)
KMN: Don't.
SJM: No. I'll leave.
Choa: Jimin-ah. Leaving won't solve anything.
SJM: I'm harming everyone else.
Choa: That's what I think. We had such packed
schedule back then. Maybe you were sensitive at that time, and you lashed it out on Mina. Maybe Mina was sensitive as well, that's why she saw you in that way. Don't you think so?
Choa: Jimin-ah, Mina once said to me 'Unnie. I'm really sensitive lately. I'm having a hard time'. I went speechless because I felt so apologetic to her. You can just apologize about that.
SJM: I'm very sorry for being so sensitive, young, and doing all the bad things to you.
KMN: If only I had the money for the penalty fee, I would've left the group earlier. Right before I became insane.
SJM: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything you went through.
KMN: It's very frustrating to me that you don't remember anything.
SJM: I will try to remember. (Crying)
KMN: You won't be able to remember.
SJM: I will remember. I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. I was very young and sensitive. I did bad things to you, I'm really sorry.
This time, Hyejeong stepped in. She's the closest member to Jimin. She was the one who listened to Jimin's stories.
Hyejeong: Mina once told me something, but I think Unnie wouldn't remember. But you two are harming the others to0...
SJM: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Crying)
Hyejeong: Mina, you should apologize too.
KMN: I apologize to all the other members. But I don't need to apologize to Jimin Unnie.
SJM: That's right. You don't need to apologize to me.
Hyejeong: You can't do that.
SJM: I'm really sorry to all of you. For the sake of our team.
Hyejeong: We know.
KMN: It's a lie.
Chanmi: Let's listen to what Jimin Unnie has to say as well.
KMN: So you had sex with your boyfriend, that was for the sake of our team as well?
SJM: In my point of view, I did my best for the sake of our team. Maybe that's why I couldn't recognize that what I did was wrong. Now that I'm listening to all of you, it seems like it was very stressfull for all of you. I apologize for that.
Hyejeong: No, it's okay. We're fine. We can understand that. But I think Mina couldn't forgive you because you can't remember. You should remember and apologize.
KMN: Hyejeong-ah, how can she apologizes for something she can't remember?
Hyejeong: She can think.
KMN: Hey! She said it herself that she can't remember no matter how much she thinks about it.
Hyejeong: She's taken aback. It's very sudden.
KMN: I have became insane.
Hyejeong: I think I'm going to be insane because of you.
KMN: Go ahead and try being an insane person.
Hyejeong: I don't want to.
Choa: Mina-ya! It's possible that Jimin can't remember some things. But she's apologizing.
KMN: You guys saw how she was when she walked in here. I thought she came here to fight.
Chanmi: Jimin Unnie had no idea about the small details, maybe that was her intention when she first same in. She had confidence.
class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">KMN: I can understand the rest of it. You guys try to be in my shoes for a day (Crying)
Choa: I'm sorry, Mina-ya. I'm sorry for not seeing those things. You guys, too. If there are anything you're upset about, you should've just talked it out right away...
Mina started to listen to the other members. Started to forgive Jimin.
KMN: Okay. Alright. I forgive you. I am forgiving you.
SJM: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
KMN: Yes, Unnie. I'm sorry as well. I'm sorry for becoming insane. I will leave your dad out of all of this. I'm sorry for that.
SJM: We are sorry.
Hyejeong: Didn't I say it? We all did wrong.
KMN: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Now all of you, leave my house. I forgave her already. I am forgiving Jimin Unnie. Satisfied?
Choa: Mina-ya...
KMN: I think I'm going insane.
Chanmi: How could we leave comfortably...
KMN: I will try my best. I will try my best to forget and try to understand.
Choa: I know how sensitive I were back then. I'm sorry to all of you.
Yuna: Now that we let it all out, it's going to get better.
KMN: Right. It is for me. I will try my best in the future, I should. You (Seolhyun) don't cry.
Seolhyun: Yeah. Don't mind us. You'll harm yourself if you continue your life resenting us.
As the oldest one, Choa summed things up through her point of view, and embraced them togetger.
Choa: We had really packed schedule back then. That's why we didn't have any time to reflect on things. And besides, you were really young back then. You would never listen to me at all.
KMN: Ah, right.
Choa: You would just cover your ears.
KMN: I know. I'm trying to fix that.
Choa: Honestly, I kind of just gave up on you, thinking 'Ah.. She's the type of person who would never listen'. But when Jimin says something, you would listen to her, and I would think, 'That's right'.
KMN: I know.
Choa: That's when I started to feel discontent. Honestly, we didn't fight a lot back then. That's the problem.
KMN: I'm also trying. I have to get back to my right mind now. You guys came to my house, we talked, apologized, and even cried.
Members: Even the one who suffered the most, Seolhyun, also apologized.
Seolhyun: No..
KMN: Your face has gotten so much smaller. Do you still have packed schedule?
Seolhyun: Yeah, I'm filming a drama.
Choa: Now don't post anything on Instagram again, okay?
KMN: Of course
Choa: I remember my post back then and it gave me goosebumps. You'll regret it later.
KMN: I'm already embarrassed because of it.
After that, Jimin posted an apology letter.
'I couldn't understand Mina well. I never take a closer look at her. I cried, begged, and cried again yesterday. (Contd). I did that in my early 20s, with intention that we should look good as a team in front of the staffs and crews. I'm lacking a lot as a leader'
Did the conflict end here? No, it started again. Mina posted something, defending herself and tried to harm herself.
'Begged?? Begged?? One more thing before I leave. She said she did that for my own sake. That kind of person brought in a guy and had sex in our dorm??'
Jimin decided to retire from the entertainment industry and didn't respond to Mina's post anymore. Mina continued to send texts to Jimin throughout November 2020 to May 2021.
April 28th, 2021
'Hey, reply if you see my text. Are you angry? You should come to beat me up thenㅋㅋ Are you coming?'
'Are you a human?'
'You murderer'
'Aren't you coming to my house to look for knives? We have a lot of them. Are you coming?
'You can't even use itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ'
'As long as both of us are alive, I'm going to have my revenge. Jimin-ah, I will never forget the things you did and the words you said to me. You will pay everything back. Just wait for it, Ms. Samuel Jackson'
'You messed with the wrong person'
'Where did our Shin Jimin's guts go? You should respond to me'
'I can come to you or you can come to me'
'Are you coming? You b*tch'
'Did your guts die?'
April 29th, 2021
'What is your mother doing? Does she know that her daughter is the cause of someone else's daughter's death? Seems like she's not even feeling guilty at all'
May 2021
'Is it no longer fun to you anymore? Now that 10 years have passed. Are you not feeling guilty? Are you even a human?'
'Is your mother not feeling guilty at all? Does she care whether someone else's daughter out there is dying and her daughter is the culprit?'
'Jimin-ah, is you mom doing well? When will you respond to my text? We're going to meet again anyway'
July 5th, 2021. Mina claimed in her Instagram live that 'There's a member in AOA who loves sex'. And in the comment section, she wrote 'That's Shin Jimin'.
Mina continues to attack even now. She appeared in a Youtube video on the 1st, and mentioned Shin Jimin again. She continued until the 6th.
Dispatch met a staff who worked a long time together with AOA. How was Mina to them? A staff showed the Kakao Talk conversation they shared back then.
Staff A showed the conversation in which Mina was telling them to 'run errands', claiming that Mina requested them to do something personal. Staff A said, 'I don't know if grabbing dentist appointment is something that a manager should to. But she asked me to and I had no other choice'.
KMN: Can any of the managers grab me an appointment with my dentist? How many times do I have to repeat myself?
Manager: I texted you personally. Your dentist is not available.
KMN: I know. Can you look for another dentist? You probably just called one place. I'm asking you to for look another dentist. Do I have to continue waiting just because the dentist is not available that day? You got appointment for another day? No, right?
She also requested appointment for her mother's dermatologist and surgery schedule. On January 2018, she texted 'Can you make appointment with dermatologist? It's for my mother, not me'
KMN: It's not for me but for my mother.
Manager: I'll try contacting them again on Monday.
KMN: Thank you. Do that as soon as possible.
Manager: Can you tell me your mother's name and birthdate? It's needed for the appointment. (8PM)
KMN: XX-ah, I'm sorry but can you call tomorrow and make an appointment at late hours? (2AM) If it's available on Monday, call me as soon as possible. (4AM)
Manager: Ok. I'll let you know as soon as the hospital opens. (8AM)
Mina and the staffs didn't have a friendly relationship. The managers called her 'The General' and described her with words like 'Sensitive', 'Angry', 'Scary', dll.
Group chats between Managers
'Mina Unnie is so scary.'
'She went overboard today.'
'It's not like I didn't text her. I did, beforehand. I told her, 'I texted you beforehand'. And she said, 'Hey, don't talk back to me'
(April 2018)
The new manager struggled as the old manager comforted her.
'She came out of the salon angry, right?'
'I think she's just a little bit more sensitive. Nothing happened to the other members at the salon. Not to mention that it looks like she hasn't slept today. It's very hard to walk on eggshells around Mina Unnie'
Mina claims that she was scared of Jimin. She wrote, 'I'm afraid Jimin Unnie will scold me'. On the other hand, the young manager was scared of her.
'She just got off the car as soon as she arrived and then closed the door. I think she's still angry'
'You should've talked to her. Maybe ask her to text you once she arrived'
'I didn't dare to. I'm scared of what she would say if I talked to her. This is so hard'
After a long discussion, we decided to disclose the conversation. This conflict will never be solved if only one argument is repeated.
The public who have been so consumed by Mina's accusations have to know what happened before and after the conflict. In the end, Mina is a victim of Jimin. On the other hand, Mina is a perpetrator in someone else's eyes.
KMN: Managers, do your best. If a singer asks you for help, do it properly.
Manager: I'm sorry. It was vague because we had to coordinate with the other managers. We asked everyone in the recording team.
KMN: XX Unnie. You should've explained it well yesterday. Why did you only do it now...
KMN: XX Unnie. Don't call me again in the future. Why do I have to listen to you just like a student listening to her teacher? I cried because of you, you should be sorry.
KMN: This is so ridiculous. You're having it hard because I asked you to buy me a meal and coke? I have never even said that.
KMN: I'm sorry for asking you to buy me a meal. Satisfied, Unnie? It's hard to have someone back you up because of me, right? Don't ever work with me again if that's what you're gonna say.
-Mina sending Jimin endless texts is like haters leaving endless hate comments online. It's shocking.
-This is the first time I have ever felt sorry for Jimin. I had no idea what happened, but it seems like she has a lot to say too. Everything is so much different from what I first thought.
-Whoa... This is such a plot-twist. I feel bad for AOA.
-Jimin is so amazing. If I were her, I would never apologize to Mina.
-Choa is such an angel. I feel bad for Jimin.
-I feel sorry for the other members...
-Whoa... What in the world is this? I had no idea it was actually like this. I feel sorry for Jimin.
-So it was really fiction after all...
-I'm sorry Jimin. I'm sorry AOA.
-I think I will go insane if there's anyone like her around me...
-This is very scary...
-I miss Choa... I hope I can see her more in the future, Choa is an angel.
-I feel bad for AOA. Their careers are ruined just because one lunatic b*tch. I really feel bad for Jimin and AOA.
Thus Articles 'Did Jimin not apologize?' ... Records of Kwon Mina's Kakao Talk chats
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