Title : AOA's former member, Youkyung, updates her Instagram
link : AOA's former member, Youkyung, updates her Instagram
AOA's former member, Youkyung, updates her Instagram
(The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to give up)
Honestly, everything looked the same to me at that time.
I wanna kill the pain I feel inside. But I won't quit for the people I love. So I'll say I'm fine until the day I fucking see the light.
Just like the lyrics to the song I listened yesterday, I have to survive all of this again.
(She adds 'I can't forget the eyes of the bystanders' later)
-What is this about...
-I think Youkyung also has something to say...
-Isn't she the drummer in AOA Black? She must've trained together, I bet there are some stuffs that she knows and doesn't.
-...? What's her point of posting this...?
ㄴWhy are you guys hating on Youkyung for posting this?
-This reminds me of T-ARA. Firstly, I would stay quiet until I listen to both sides.
-Everything is not what it seems...
-Didn't she leave early...? If a member who left the group early also has something say, the group must be really chaotic...
-Seems like she also has something to say... When would she ever get the chance to speak up if not now?
-Let's not point our fingers if we don't know what's actually going on...ㅋㅋ One thing I'm sure is that Youkyung knows more than you guys...
-Did she leave the group because of Jimin too? Just like Mina?
-She should've just said it clearly instead of posting something scary like that...
-What does that mean... I don't speak English... Can someone translate that for me?
-This looks like a war...ㅠㅠ
-Let's not jump into the conclusions, guys...
-Is she attacking Mina or is she on her side?
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You are read Articles AOA's former member, Youkyung, updates her Instagram With a link https://koreancelebri.blogspot.com/2020/07/aoas-former-member-youkyung-updates-her.html