Title : Yulhee shares pictures of her twin daughters
link : Yulhee shares pictures of her twin daughters
Yulhee shares pictures of her twin daughters
Article: Yulhee shares updates on twin daughters -> to open a YouTube channel
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+491, -27] Jjangie looked like a daughter when he was a baby but the daughters look like sons ^^
2. [+355, -73] It's hard to believe that Yulhee's the mother of three with how youthful and pretty she looks. I'm assuming the babies are identical twins, they look as identical like a pair of chopsticks ㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+305, -23] The entire nation's going to have a YouTube channel at this rate
4. [+22, -5] She looks gaunt, looks like taking care of twins is pretty hard ㅜㅜ she must not be getting enough sleep so how does she have time for YouTube~ just focus on the kids and taking care of your health
5. [+19, -6] Her face looks more masculine now
6. [+16, -3] Everyone's trying to get into YouTube to make money now ㅋㅋ
7. [+4, -0] She's looking gaunt after having all those kids
7. [+9, -1] Three kids already
8. [+9, -11] Ah~~~~ so pretty~~~ ^^
9. [+5, -1] I think Jjangie looks like the dad and the daughters look like the mom
10. [+4, -0] Are they identical twins? Their faces are so similar~
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