Title : Crayon Pop's Ellin shares selcas after her controversial incident with a fan
link : Crayon Pop's Ellin shares selcas after her controversial incident with a fan
Crayon Pop's Ellin shares selcas after her controversial incident with a fan
Article: "Pretty screencaps" Crayon Pop's Ellin, updates since her controversy with an extreme fan
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+1,896, -45] She's currently streaming on a Chinese internet broadcast site ㅋㅋ what an amazing person
2. [+1,557, -46] Her skin is so thick
3. [+152, -2] Judging by how she's posting a picture that looks like she isn't wearing pants, she still doesn't get it
4. [+77, -2] If you look at her pre-surgery photos, she used to look so countrified ㅋㅋ
5. [+67, -4] She just doesn't have a face deserving of a billion won
6. [+40, -3] She's basically a pr*stitute
7. [+37, -4] Her mother is quite an amazing person too. She knows what her daughter oes for a living and still eats a meal with her on stream ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ like mother like daughter ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+36, -2] Is she wearing anything underneath? Is she a stripper streamer too?
9. [+32, -1] She went straight to streaming in China after her controversy, I bet she made a ton of money ㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+31, -2] I honestly almost threw up when I saw her pre-surgery photos
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