Title : Bong Joon Ho's 'Parasite' wins Foreign Language Film at the 'Golden Globes'
link : Bong Joon Ho's 'Parasite' wins Foreign Language Film at the 'Golden Globes'
Bong Joon Ho's 'Parasite' wins Foreign Language Film at the 'Golden Globes'
Article: [77th Golden Globe] Bong Joon Ho director's 'Parasite' wins Foreign Language Film "Korean first!"
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
1. [+634, -7] Congratulations!!! It was the best movie of 2019!
2. [+556, -16] This movie won the Palm d'Or, look at them trying to see if they can get away with giving it just the Foreign Language category, tsk tsk
3. [+444, -6] Congratulations, wishing big things for director Bong Joon Ho
4. [+25, -0] It deserves the director's and screenplay awards as well
5. [+22, -0] It might be worth expecting something from the Academy. Amazing, Director Bong Joon Ho.
6. [+17, -0] Wow!!! Daebak!! Congratulations~~ ^^
7. [+15, -1] Amazing... imagine creating a movie that is so important that it would ruin the prestige of a ceremony if an award was not given to it
8. [+13, -0] Such great news~^^
9. [+12, -0] Wow, unbelievable
10. [+10, -] Goosebumps... congratulations
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