Title : Hollywood: Justin Bieber
link : Hollywood: Justin Bieber
Hollywood: Justin Bieber
Article: Justin Bieber 'topless + boxer fashion'... entire body is a canvas
Source: Herald Pop via Nate
1. [+602, -7] Does he have a pair of boxers that we haven't seen yet?
2. [+419, -8] Ugh, those tattoos are disgusting
3. [+210, -3] I have no idea why he's always wearing his pants like that.....
4. [+13, -3] He looks like a loser
5. [+11, -1] Ah... he looks so dirty..
6. [+10, -1] What's he going to do with all those messy tattoos once his body gets older and his skin starts sagging
7. [+9, -1] Put some pants on, you hobo
8. [+8, -1] Skinny as an anchovy
9. [+8, -1] Those tattoos are gross
10. [+5, -1] How is he aging so dirtily???
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