Title : Momoland's Yeonwoo to make drama debut with 'Cheap Cheonrima Mart'
link : Momoland's Yeonwoo to make drama debut with 'Cheap Cheonrima Mart'
Momoland's Yeonwoo to make drama debut with 'Cheap Cheonrima Mart'
Article: [Exclusive] Momoland Yeonwoo confirmed for drama debut in 'Cheap Cheonrima Mart'
Source: News 1 via Nate
1. [+297, -20] Mart-ya.....
2. [+255, -19] [Exclusive] Super Junior Leeteuk to audition for 'Cheonrima Mart', acting challenge!
3. [+170, -22] Leeteuk: Yeonwoo-ya
4. [+15, -3] I can already tell what her acting skills are like
5. [+14, -11] She really is pretty enough to DM though ㅠㅠ
6. [+12, -1] Looks like Leeteuk will make sure to catch every episode
7. [+8, -1] I won't be watching any drama or movie with an idol in it
8. [+7, -1] Yeonwoo-ya... are you good at acting..?
9. [+6, -1] Calling out her name for the first time in a while.. Yeonwoo-ya...
10. [+5, -0] Yeonwoo-ya... I'll be sure to catch it...
11. [+5, -2] She doesn't really have a face fit for dramas... probably play a few supporting roles before disappearing quietly
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