Title : Davichi's Lee Haeri fields criticism for putting her pup on a diet
link : Davichi's Lee Haeri fields criticism for putting her pup on a diet
Davichi's Lee Haeri fields criticism for putting her pup on a diet
Article: Davichi Lee Haeri, pet dog is on a diet -> netizens claim 'animal abuse'... "Please don't accuse me of something so terrifying"
Source: Mydaily via Nate
1. [+2,456, -12] People really need to mind their own business
2. [+1,929, -29] As expected from people who act like they're protecting animals from the comfort of their own homes
3. [+1,754, -21] Don't criticize her if you don't even know anything. Pets can gain excessive weight if you don't watch what you feed them, which leads to health issues down the road. It's best to monitor their eating habits as best as you can.
4. [+48, -2] I have to manage my own dog's weight because of her luxating patella but there are people who still accuse me of not giving her enough love or to feed her more;; It's always the people who don't mind their business that are the issue.
5. [+36, -3] Seriously ㅋㅋ obviously the owner who loves the dog will know what's best for him, not you random internet strangers ㅋㅋ
6. [+32, -1] Letting your dog become overweight is abuse too...
7. [+28, -2] Ugh, sounds frustrating to have to deal with every single criticism like that. A celebrity is no easy job.
8. [+24, -0] Dogs can have joint issues if you don't manage their weight. Even their vets will tell them to go on a diet. Don't leave hate comments if you don't know all that stuff.
9. [+22, -1] Those commenters are best dealt with by people like Ha Yeon Soo ㅋㅋㅋ
10. [+18, -0] People who are hating on her for this are people who have either never had a pet or never took their pet to the vet. Putting your pet on a diet is not abuse... you're stupid if you think so.
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