SKY Castle Kang Yeseo's filmography

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Title : SKY Castle Kang Yeseo's filmography
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SKY Castle Kang Yeseo's filmography


2013: Samsaengi, King of Ambition, I Can Hear Your Voice, Master of The Sun
2014: Bad Guys, Pride and Prejudice 
2015: The Return of Hwang Geum Bok
2016: (Webdrama) Secret Crushes Season1, Shopping King Louie, The Legend of The Blue Sea, (Webdrama) Secret Crushes Season 2, Goblin, (Webdrama) Drunkard
2017: Radiant Office, Tunnel, (Webdrama) Supernatural
2017~2018: Man in The Kitchen
2018: Come and Hug Me, Let's Eat 3
2018~2019: SKY Castle


2015: Memory
2016: Road Not Taken
2017: Memoir of a Murderer, The Day Where I Don't Want To Go To School
2018: Dawn, From An Ordinary Point of View
2019: Minor


2012: SK Telecom
2014: Maeil Dairies Co
2018: JW Pharmaceutical

Her appearance in Goblin that almost everyone knows about

Kim Hyeyoon, who has been living a diligent life, signed a contract with an exclusive company for the first time through SKY Castle. And that company is SidusHQ.

Before SKY Castle, she got casted in dramas and movies through her Acting Academy.
She has been in the industry with no company until she got casted in SKY Castle.
Her appearance in SKY Castle gains attention from a lot of companies.
Out of all the other companies who contacted her, she chose to sign contract with SidusHQ who has waited for her the longest.

(go to the original post for more pics)

-I hope to see her soon as the main character!!

-I hope to see her often in TV..ㅠㅠ I'll make sure to watch all of her drams!

-She's beautiful and on top of that, she's a really great actress.. I love her..ㅠㅠ I'm gonna stan her..ㅠ

-Whoa.. She has appeared in a lot of dramas consistently..

-People keep on calling her My Melody, I thought that was the name of an idol group she's in..ㅋㅋㅋ

-Hyeyoon is absolutely going to be a big actress..

-Thanks to SKY Castle, I got to know a lot of great actors and actresses~~

-I already knew she's going to be the most successful one from the drama.. And now she's signing a contract with SidusHQㅋㅋ

-I hope she gets casted in movies too..ㅠㅠ

-She's totally a princess..ㅠㅠㅠ

-She wasn't signed with any companies all this time..??ㅠㅠㅠ

-Whoa.. She has appeared in so many dramas and movies yet she didn't sign contract with any companies..? I had no idea it's possible for someone to be an actress without a company..

-I really like her acting skills.. I hope she gets to be the main character next time~~

-She's really adorable..

Thus Articles SKY Castle Kang Yeseo's filmography

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