Title : [enter-talk] IF I WAS ZICO, I WOULD'VE CRIED
link : [enter-talk] IF I WAS ZICO, I WOULD'VE CRIED
This semester, we had to make a PPT and I put a funny meme of Ma Dongseok with a menacing look for the question slide. I put the meme to make the kids laugh and was gonna be like "is there anyone who has any questions?"
But nobody had any questions and nobody laughed.
And this gif reminded me of that time.
I wanted to cry.
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.14 23:47
- To be honest, I bet that when Zico returned to his dorm, he cried while burying his head in his pillow ㅠ
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.15 01:37
- ,....
- "I saw the video of Zico's performance in North Korea yesterday and if felt like a f*cking hip hop funeral... If I was him, I would've sang for 20 sec and then sobbed while grabbing unto my mic"
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.14 23:43
- Makes me wonder why anyone would want to goㅋㅋㅋ When other singers went, there were barely any reactions form the crowd. I wonder if someone energetic like Zico would make them loosen up a bit but... as expectedㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- ㅇㅇ 2018.10.15 01:07
- I think that he's pretty cool though? You think that Zico wouldn't know that the people there wouldn't react the same way as South Koreans? Our government handpicked Zico among all the other artists and he was very professional there. It wasn't like he was singing some kind of quiet song either... I don't understand why anyone would mock Zico
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