Title : The best fanservice ever done that even made non-fans go crazy
link : The best fanservice ever done that even made non-fans go crazy
The best fanservice ever done that even made non-fans go crazy
About 2 years and a half ago, Highlight (used to known as Beast) guested in the special episode of 'I'm a Man'. Each members were told to give that ribbon-thing to a woman, and that's what Dujun did after the woman said she was a Beauty.
I still remember the big impact it made. Even non-fans and people who don't like idols were busy talking about it, it was basically all over the Facebook.
There are a lot of rising boyfriend-dol these days, but Dujun is still the best boyfriend-dol in my opinionㅠㅠ
-I can't think of anyone else beside Dujun when it comes to boyfriend-dol..
-Huk.. The last picture got my heart really weak..
-Yoon Dujun is the best.. He's so freaking handsome..
-He's really good-looking..ㅜㅜ
-Boyfriend-dol is Dujun's other name. I don't want to hear any other opinions.
-As expected from Yoon Dujun..ㅠㅠ Highlight, let's only walk on the flower path!
-There's no other boyfriend-dol beside Yoon Dujun..
-Whoa.. That gif is really heart-flutteringㅠㅠ
-Ah.. Dujun-ah..ㅠㅠㅠ
-I love you..ㅠㅠ
-It' because boyfriend-dol is Dujun's real name..
-'I'm a Beauty' 'You're a Beauty??' 'Yes..' 'Nice to meet you!' *powerfully pulls her into a hug*
-Hul.. Look at how he pulls her into his arms...ㅠㅠ
-Dujun Senpai..
-Whoa.. I can't believe it has been 2 years and a half since that episode aired..
-My heart goes DujunDujun (DugunDugun/pit-a-pat)
-Dujun-ah.. You know that I like you so much, right..
-As expected from the Nation's Boyfriend-dol..
-Look at how Yoo Jaesuk just casually standing there and stares at him proudlyㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-That's right.. He's the original Boyfriend-dol..
Thus Articles The best fanservice ever done that even made non-fans go crazy
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You are read Articles The best fanservice ever done that even made non-fans go crazy With a link https://koreancelebri.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-best-fanservice-ever-done-that-even.html